About Amz.ninja  Our Journey

Ready for a little story?

One of my good friends at Helium 10 threw down the gauntlet – he challenged me to share the journey of how we got to where we are today.

At first, I wasn't sure if our story was all that interesting, but my friend insisted. “If you guys now stand as a trusted choice among Amazon sellers, people will want to know how you got there,” he said.

Well, who was I to argue with a friend? So I decided to take them up on the challenge. I'm going to give you all the juicy details, the ups and downs, the struggles and victories, that made our journey what it is.

How Amz.Ninja Come into Existence?


It all began back in 2018 when a group of us Amazon seller friends were hanging out, discussing the daily challenges of running our businesses – keeping up with ever-changing policies, finding profitable products, optimizing listings, and more.

That's when the lightbulb went off – we realized there was a huge opportunity to leverage our collective knowledge and experience to help other sellers.

A few months later, Amz.Ninja was born. In the beginning, it was just the two of us founders working nights and weekends in addition to running our own Amazon businesses. We scraped together just enough money to build a basic website and start doing outreach. Our first clients were friends and family looking to get their fledgling Amazon businesses off the ground.

Word began to spread in the seller community about the new expert consultants, and inquiries poured in faster than we could handle.

To help Amazon sellers on a larger scale, Amz.Ninja started a blog featuring expert reviews, free trials, and in-depth guides on various tools and services. The blog aims to provide valuable insights and resources to empower sellers, enabling them to make informed decisions and leverage the best strategies for their businesses.

Common Problems We Were Trying to Solve

Helping Out with Policy Changes

Amz.Ninja closely monitors Amazon's ever-evolving policies, providing sellers with timely guidance and strategies to remain compliant while maximizing opportunities.

Curating Essential Tools

Our experts rigorously evaluate the latest software and SaaS offerings, recommending the best tools to streamline operations, enhance listings, and boost sales for sellers of all sizes. 

Continuous Learning

Through comprehensive training resources and blogs, AMZ.Ninja ensures sellers stay ahead of industry trends, master new techniques, and upskill in critical areas like advertising and data analytics.

Free of Cost Access to Sellers Essential

Rather than being stuck to the old and traditional, we are constantly trying to make an impact with our free-to-use tools like conversion calculators, and ROAS calculators, all for zero cost to Amazon sellers.

Building Trust Through Partnerships

From the very beginning, Amz.Ninja recognized the importance of aligning with trusted partners to better serve Amazon sellers. One of our earliest collaborations was with Helium 10, a leading suite of software tools designed to help entrepreneurs and brands thrive on Amazon.

Amz.Ninja shared a common mission with Helium 10, i.e. empowering sellers with the knowledge, resources, and solutions to maximize their potential in the Amazon marketplace.

Building trust with our clients is our unwavering top priority. We understand that as an Amazon seller consultancy and one of the leading Amazon seller blog sites, our success hinges on cultivating long-lasting relationships built on a foundation of transparency, reliability, and genuine care for our client's businesses.

Why Helium 10 x Amz.Ninja Partnership is Set to Last Long?

Helium 10’s mission goes beyond just providing tools – aiming to be the complete one-stop solution empowering Amazon sellers on their journey (this is what AMZ.Ninja wants for their Amazon Sellers). With over 30 integrated tools spanning product research, listing optimization, advertising, analytics, and more, Helium 10 eliminates the need to juggle multiple disconnected platforms.

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The all-in-one suite is purposefully designed to streamline operations and drive sustainable growth for sellers, backed by a shared commitment to their success. We believe in this process and commitment towards Amazon sellers.

Empowering the Seller Community

Empowering the Amazon Seller Community

At Amz.Ninja, our mission is to be the go-to resource empowering Amazon sellers to achieve maximum success. As we look to the future, we have ambitious goals to expand our offerings and impact.

One key focus area is continuously exploring new topics and strategies to cover on our blog and in our consulting services. Our team deeply researches emerging trends, new selling techniques, policy changes, and more – ensuring our content remains fresh and actionable.

We also aim to become the premier source for the latest Amazon best deals, promotions, and selling programs. Our consultants meticulously track and vet these opportunities to pass on only the most lucrative ones to our community. Whether it's lightning deals, product giveaways, or beta programs, Amz.Ninja sellers gain that vital competitive edge.

Perhaps most importantly, we are doubling down on our efforts to guide and nurture new Amazon sellers. We recognize how daunting it can be to start an ecommerce business on a massive platform like Amazon. Through comprehensive training programs, mentorship opportunities, and robust knowledge bases, we ensure no seller gets left behind on their journey to profitability.

Amz.Ninja’s Current Endeavors to Help Amazon Sellers

Amazon Revenue

Recognizing the importance of key metrics like conversion rate and return on ad spend (ROAS) for Amazon sellers, Amz.Ninja has taken the initiative to develop its own specialized calculators.

The Conversion Rate Calculator for Amazon empowers sellers to easily track this crucial metric, which influences product ranking and visibility. Meanwhile, the ROAS Calculator for Amazon Sellers provides a simple way to calculate the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising.

By offering these user-friendly tools, Amz.Ninja aims to equip sellers with valuable insights to optimize their listings, advertising campaigns, and overall business performance on Amazon's marketplace. The calculators exemplify Amz.Ninja's commitment to providing comprehensive resources that drive sustainable growth for sellers.

Never Giving Up on Our Dreams

One of the defining qualities that enabled us to overcome the many challenges we faced was an unwavering refusal to give up on our dreams.  There were countless times when the obstacles seemed insurmountable and it would have been easy to throw in the towel. But we persisted, driven by an unshakable belief in our vision and our ability to make it a reality.

Whether it was working around the clock to meet a deadline, finding creative solutions to funding gaps, or picking ourselves up after a major setback, we simply did not entertain the idea of failure as an option.  We knew that realizing our entrepreneurial dreams would require tremendous perseverance, and we embraced that mindset fully.

Looking back, it's clear that this persistence in the face of adversity made all the difference. Our dreams seemed crazy and unrealistic to many, but we never lost faith. With each challenge we overcame, our confidence grew.

If we had given up at any point along the way, Amz.Ninja would have never become the success it is today. Our refusal to abandon our aspirations, no matter how daunting the circumstances, ultimately paved the way for the achievements we've realized.

Our Journey Continues

Looking back, it's amazing to see how far Amz.Ninja has come from those early days. What started as friends working nights and weekends has blossomed into a premium Amazon consultancy and a blog destination empowering sellers worldwide.

Of course, this is just the beginning of our journey. The Amazon space is incredibly dynamic, with new opportunities and challenges constantly emerging.

We are truly grateful for the trust our clients and partners have placed in us over the years. It inspires us every day to raise the bar higher in service to the seller community.

If you're an ambitious Amazon entrepreneur looking to take your business to new heights, we'd love to hear from you.

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