Are you prepared to advance your Walmart company ventures? Helium 10 tools are the only place to look! In this article on Helium 10 for Walmart, we'll cover each and every aspect along with the tools that make it a good-to-go choice for Walmart sellers.

Every seller in the competitive world of e-commerce is searching for the secret code that will allow them to succeed in the fast-paced world of virtual shelves that rival physical ones.

Amidst this pursuit, an important breakthrough has surfaced that holds the potential to revolutionize the way that sellers operate on Walmart, one of the biggest retail platforms in the world.

Now available at Walmart, Helium 10 is a set of resources that was once only associated with propelling Amazon merchants to the pinnacle of their industry.

This is more than simply news—it's a new chapter in Walmart's e-commerce strategy, especially in light of the fact that the company expects to grow its e-commerce sales by 19.5% by 2024 to reach around $58.92 billion.

That in and of itself highlights the enormous potential that exists within Walmart's digital walls and the critical role that Helium 10 Tools for Walmart may play in capturing this potential.

The entry of Helium 10 inside Walmart is evidence of how the world of online shopping is changing, with a more integrated approach to online selling replacing the boundaries between distinct platforms.

Access to a package of tools that have been tried, tested, and shown to improve product exposure, optimize listings, and increase sales on Amazon is now possible for Walmart sellers. However, what does it mean to be able to use these technologies at Walmart?

It entails using data-based insights to make wise decisions, automating time-consuming chores so you can concentrate on growth, and—above all—entering the game on an even playing field with the self-assurance to take on the best.

Understanding Helium 10

Helium 10

For e-commerce sellers navigating the huge world of online sales, Helium 10 is a useful service. It is a collection of more than 20 tools made to address nearly every aspect of online sales, from identifying the ideal product to offer to improving listing optimization and overseeing the financial health of your company.

Helium 10, which was first created for Amazon, has now extended its services to Walmart retailers in recognition of the platform's increasing clout in the e-commerce industry. This growth is a response to Walmart's growing allure as a marketplace for online and traditional retail business owners seeking to broaden their sales channels.

Helium 10 is unique in that it is dedicated to data-based solutions. Helium 10 provides a scientific method for internet sales in a world where intuition and belief are insufficient. Every tool in the suite is meant to give sellers useful information based on actual data.

You may use the information Helium 10 gives you to decide what buyers want, how your competitors are doing, and where your listings need to be improved.

Walmart sellers can now make use of Helium 10's robust analytics and optimization features to reach a completely new and rapidly expanding audience.

Helium 10 for Walmart Sellers: The Complete Toolkit

It's crucial to remember that Helium 10 provides a range of solutions to meet various needs within the e-commerce selling process before getting into the specifics.

These solutions are designed to give sellers the tools they need to be successful on marketplaces like Walmart, from financial tracking to keyword optimization and product research. Now, let us examine some of the most important instruments that are especially pertinent to Walmart merchants.


Helium 10 XRay

One of the tools in the Helium 10 suite called Xray is intended to provide information on the Walmart marketplace. It gives merchants information about demand, market trends, and levels of competition to assist them in finding possible things to sell. By streamlining the process of researching products, this tool helps sellers decide which things are most likely to succeed at Walmart.

Its capabilities also include cross-market product comparisons, providing a more comprehensive understanding of a product's potential performance. This helps Walmart vendors find chances for development and improvement by giving them a better grasp of how their products compare to those of their competitors.


Helium 10 Cerebro

With Cerebro, you can find the keywords that drive traffic and sales to any specific product on Walmart by using a reverse ASIN lookup tool. Sellers could increase exposure and sales by optimizing their listings to incorporate these high-performing keywords by knowing which keywords work well for their rivals.

This application gives all sellers access to useful keyword data, leveling the playing field. Cerebro provides Walmart users with insights to help them improve their keyword strategy and increase the likelihood that potential shoppers will find their products.


Helium 10 Magnet

Magnet is a keyword discovery tool that assists sellers in identifying the most appropriate and productive keywords for their goods. Sellers can find a list of comparable keywords along with information on search volume and competitiveness by inputting a seed term. This tool is essential for creating an extensive keyword strategy that appeals to a broad range of users.

Magnet gives Walmart retailers a method to make sure the correct buyers see their products. Sellers can increase the search ranking of their product listings and facilitate customer discovery by focusing on the most relevant keywords.


Helium 10 Profit

Profits provide sellers with a comprehensive picture of their whole financial performance, including sales, costs, and profitability. This tool, which enables sellers to monitor their financial progress and make wise decisions to increase their bottom line, is crucial for sustaining a successful firm.

Profits make e-commerce's finance administration easier for sellers at Walmart. Giving sellers a simple way to keep an eye on their financial well-being allows them to concentrate on growth initiatives, secure in the knowledge that their financial success is being monitored and evaluated.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Helium 10 for Walmart

It's critical to weigh the advantages and potential disadvantages of Helium 10 Tools for Walmart sellers. These tools provide a number of capabilities, such as financial analysis and product research, that are intended to make the selling process easier. Like any extensive toolkit, there are some things to bear in mind, though.

Let's examine the benefits and drawbacks more closely to give Walmart sellers a fair understanding of what Helium 10 has to offer.


  1. All-in-One Platform: Helium 10 offers a comprehensive suite of features that address every facet of the online sales process. With this connectivity, sellers can handle several responsibilities using a single interface, streamlining operations.
  1. Data-Based Insights: The instruments offer profound insights predicated on precise data, empowering vendors to make knowledgeable choices. Better product choices, enhanced listings, and more successful marketing tactics may result from this.
  1. User-Friendly Interface: Helium 10 keeps an approachable interface in spite of the breadth of information it offers. Because of its simplicity of use, sellers with varying degrees of experience can make good use of the features.
  1. Competitive intelligence: Having access to comprehensive competitor data helps sellers better understand their place in the market and modify their approach. In the cutthroat Walmart market, this can be a big advantage.


  1. Learning Curve: The wealth of features and data may first be too much for new users to handle. Gaining proficiency in the efficient use of all the tools takes time.
  1. Cost consideration: Small merchants or those just starting may find Helium 10's subscription fee prohibitive. Before committing, it's critical to assess the possible return on investment.
  1. Features Unique to Each Platform: Amazon was considered during the initial creation of some features. Walmart sellers can discover that although some tools are still helpful, others may not be just what they need.
  1. Data Overload: There are situations where the abundance of data accessible is more perplexing than beneficial. In order to stay out of the details, sellers should concentrate on the most important information.

Integrating Helium 10 Tools into Your Walmart Strategy

Using Helium 10 tools in your Walmart selling strategy can streamline processes and offer useful information for making decisions. Integration should be approached methodically, with a focus on the unique requirements of your company. Here's a helpful guide on using these tools efficiently:

Begin with Product Research

Using Xray to start your plan might make the process of choosing products easier. This tool helps identify feasible products for sale by providing insights into market trends and competition. Using Xray to analyze competition and sales data makes it easier to identify opportunities in the Walmart marketplace.

Enhance Your Listings

Your product listings will be more refined if you use Cerebro for keyword research. You may potentially increase the visibility of your goods to customers by designing your listings to include comparable, high-performing keywords based on your understanding of the keywords that drive traffic to your competitors' products.

Broaden Your Keyword Reach

Magnet can help you build on Cerebro's base by extending your keyword strategy. This tool helps you find more keywords, improve your listings and marketing, and maybe reach a larger audience.

Monitor Financial Performance

Monitoring the financial health of your company is easier when you have Profits with the use of this instrument, which provides insights into sales performance and profitability. Decisions about price, promotions, and inventory may be made with greater knowledge.

User Experiences and Testimonials

User feedback on the Walmart seller suite of tools from Helium 10 reveals a variety of experiences. Many customers compliment the tools' comprehensiveness, pointing out notable gains in their capacity to better grasp their financials, optimize listings, and conduct product research.

One seller, for example, shared how Xray gave them the information they needed to find a niche product that resulted in higher sales. A different user expressed gratitude for Cerebro, highlighting how it improved their keyword strategy and increased search exposure as well as consumer engagement.

It is also mentioned that there is a learning curve involved in making the most out of these technologies. A few users have mentioned that they had trouble at first figuring out the many functions that were offered, and they advised new users to give themselves some time to get used to things.

In spite of this, users generally agree that the advantages outweigh the initial work needed to catch up. Testimonials frequently emphasize Helium 10's abundant instructional resources and prompt customer service, both of which greatly facilitate learning.

Helium 10 Pricing Plans

Walmart sellers have access to a range of Helium 10 pricing tiers. Each is designed to accommodate different needs and budgetary limitations. An overview of the plans that are currently offered is shown below:

Helium 10 Pricing

Free Plan

Ideal for new sellers or those curious about Helium 10's capabilities. It offers limited access to most tools, including Xray and Cerebro, providing a taste of what the full suite can do.

Starter Plan: $29 per month

Designed for those just beginning their e-commerce journey, providing basic access to key tools along with some educational resources to help users get started.

Platinum Plan: $79 per month

This plan is designed for small firms and solitary entrepreneurs who want to learn more about sales analysis, product research, and optimization. For those who are prepared to invest in expanding their business, it provides more extensive access to tools and information.

Diamond Plan: $229 per month

The Diamond plan caters to more established sellers and businesses with expanding product lines. It includes advanced features, higher usage limits, and multi-user access, making it a good fit for growing teams.

Elite Plan:

This top-tier plan is designed for high-volume sellers and agencies requiring the full spectrum of Helium 10's capabilities, including exclusive access to elite training and networking events.

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Alternatives to Helium 10 for Walmart Sellers

Examining Helium 10 Tools for Walmart substitutes can provide sellers a more comprehensive understanding of the tools and services accessible for improving their e-commerce approach. These are the four rivals:

Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout

A whole range of tools for competitive analysis, sales estimation, and product research are available from Jungle Scout. Amazon merchants love it for its easy-to-use interface and powerful data analytics, while Walmart sellers are finding it more and more helpful for investigating and validating product ideas.

In contrast to Helium 10, Jungle Scout places more of an emphasis on market trends and product discovery, which can be very helpful for sellers when choosing and launching new products.



For product research, PPC management, and SEO, SellerApp provides a combination of statistics and optimization tools. Its dashboard offers a thorough summary of search rankings, competitive analysis, and sales performance.

The advantage of SellerApp is that it offers sellers that prioritize paid search tactics an additional or substitute option to Helium 10's advertising tools: PPC administration and optimization.



AMZScout is well-known for its product tracking and research tools, which provide information on sales figures, rivals, and consumer demand. It is a helpful tool for sellers of all expertise levels due to its user-friendly layout and comprehensive product databases.

In contrast to Helium 10, AMZScout might provide a more straightforward user experience for individuals who are mainly concerned with product research and tracking, but its set of features may not be as comprehensive.



ZonGuru is an expert in tools for product research, listing improvement, and niche identification. Its Niche Finder tool is especially helpful for finding less competitive but profitable product categories.

Compared to Helium 10, its niche-focused features offer a different viewpoint, which makes it an invaluable tool for sellers trying to find undiscovered market potential.

FAQs Related to Helium 10 for Walmart and Amazon

What is Helium 10?

Helium 10 is a suite of e-commerce tools designed to assist sellers in product research, SEO, and market analysis.

Can Helium 10 be used for Walmart?

Yes, Helium 10 has expanded its tools to support Walmart sellers, offering features tailored to the Walmart marketplace.

How does Helium 10 compare to Jungle Scout?

Helium 10 offers a broader range of tools, while Jungle Scout focuses more on product discovery and market trends.

Is there a free version of Helium 10?

Yes, Helium 10 offers a free plan with limited access to its tools.

Can Helium 10 help with keyword research?

Yes, Helium 10's Cerebro and Magnet tools are designed for in-depth keyword research and strategy.

Does Helium 10 offer financial tracking?

Yes, the Profits tool within Helium 10 provides detailed financial tracking and analysis.

Is training available for Helium 10 users?

Yes, Helium 10 offers a variety of training resources, including webinars and tutorials, to help users maximize the benefits of its tools.

Can Helium 10 improve my Walmart sales?

By providing data-driven insights and optimization tools, Helium 10 can help sellers enhance their listings and strategy, potentially increasing sales on Walmart.

The Final Verdict

To sum up, Helium 10 Tools for Walmart provides a thorough solution for sellers. The usability factor increases for those who want to deal efficiently and effectively with the complexities of the Walmart marketplace.

Through the use of Helium 10's suite of tools, sellers can learn a great deal about different factors. It includes market trends, financial performance, SEO, and product research.

The ability of Helium 10 to make data-based decisions grounded in competitive analysis and in-depth analytics sets it apart. This provides Walmart sellers with the resources they require to improve their listing optimization, sales strategies, and overall e-commerce success.

In addition, the FAQs and the alternatives study demonstrate how flexible and adaptable Helium 10 Tools for Walmart are in comparison to other platforms. It underscores its value for a range of e-commerce businesses.

Helium 10 offers a wide suite of tools designed to satisfy the various requirements of Walmart sellers, regardless of your level of experience or whether you want to grow your online presence.

Helium 10, with its intuitive interface, a wealth of training materials, and committed support, is an essential tool for anyone hoping to succeed in the world of internet retail.

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