As an Amazon seller, tracking your Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) is crucial for measuring the success of your ad campaigns and ensuring profitability. ROAS tells you how much revenue you're generating for every dollar spent on advertising.

Our ROAS Calculator makes it easy to calculate this key metric for your Amazon business. Simply input your total ad revenue and total ad spend for a given period, and the calculator will do the rest.

ROAS Calculator

ROAS Calculator

The formula is:

ROAS = Total Ad Revenue / Total Ad Spend

For example, if you spent $500 on ads and generated $2,000 in revenue, your ROAS would be 4. This means you made $4 for every $1 spent on advertising - a great return!

A high ROAS indicates your ad campaigns are performing well and generating profitable sales. A low ROAS may signal issues with your advertising strategy, product listings, or pricing that need to be addressed.

In addition to calculating your overall ROAS, our tool allows you to analyze ROAS for individual products, campaigns, or date ranges. This granular data helps you optimize your advertising efforts and double down on what's working well.

Remember, while a higher ROAS is generally better, your target will depend on your profit margins and business goals. Our calculator makes it easy to experiment and find the right balance for your Amazon business.