Your Amazon conversion rate is one of the most important metrics for measuring the effectiveness of your product listings. It represents the percentage of visitors to your listing who actually make a purchase.

A high conversion rate signals that your listing is optimized and compelling to potential buyers. A low rate may indicate issues with pricing, images, descriptions, or other listing elements that need improvement.

To calculate your conversion rate, you'll need two data points from your Amazon reports:

  1. Total number of sessions (visitors) to your listing
  2. Total number of orders
Conversion Rate Calculator

Conversion Rate Calculator

Our Conversion Rate Calculator simply divides the orders by the sessions and multiplies by 100 to get the percentage.

For example, if your listing had 1,000 sessions and 75 orders in a given period, the calculation would be:

75 orders / 1,000 sessions = 0.075

0.075 x 100 = 7.5% conversion rate

The average conversion rate for Amazon products is around 10%, but this can vary significantly by category, price point, and other factors. Our calculator lets you easily track your conversion rate over time and compare it to category benchmarks.

Improving your conversion rate directly increases sales without having to drive more traffic to your listing. Simple optimizations like better product images, more compelling descriptions, and competitive pricing can have a big impact.

Use our Conversion Rate Calculator to identify areas for improvement on your listings and watch your sales grow as a result!