Etsy Alura vs Everbee

Picture this: you're an Etsy seller, eager to skyrocket your sales and leave your competitors in the dust. Enter Alura and EverBee, two powerhouse tools that have taken the Etsy world by storm.


Alura Logo
  • This tool helps sellers optimize their listings with effective keyword research, manage shop finances, and automate customer follow-ups
  • With Alura, sellers can enhance their marketing efforts through automated social media posts and email marketing, reaching a broader audience and increasing shop visibility

#1 Best Pick


Everbee logo
  • EverBee provides the fastest product research tool on the market, analyzing over 60 million listings, enabling sellers to identify high-demand, low-competition products.
  • Discover high-volume, low-competition keywords with EverBee to boost organic traffic and drive conversions.
  • The platform offers comprehensive support and feedback, empowering sellers at all stages to grow their businesses effectively
  • This tool helps sellers optimize their listings for Etsy search, increasing visibility and sales potential

With over 450,000 Etsy sellers already leveraging Alura & Everbee platforms, it's clear that they're doing something right.

Did you know that Etsy sellers who use tools like Alura and EverBee report an average 23% increase in sales?
But here's the million-dollar question: Who would win if there's an Alura v/s Everbee battle? 

Alura boasts a comprehensive suite of features, from product research to listing optimization, making it a one-stop-shop for serious sellers. Meanwhile, EverBee's laser-focus on product analytics and keyword research has earned it a cult-like following among data-driven entrepreneurs.

As an Etsy seller, you're faced with a choice that could make or break your business. Do you go with Alura's all-encompassing approach or EverBee's surgical precision? It's time to understand which one truly deserves your hard-earned cash.

By the end of this AMZ Ninja article, you'll have all the information you need to make an informed decision and take your Etsy game to the next level.

Win With Etsy!

Did you know that the top 1% of Etsy sellers make an average of $55,000 per year?

Trusted by 1048,000+ ecommerce Sellers

What Is Alura?

Alura Etsy

Alura is an all-in-one platform designed specifically for Etsy sellers. It aims to simplify and streamline every aspect of your Etsy journey, from product research to marketing. With Alura, you can access a wide range of features and tools to help you optimize your listings, increase your visibility, and ultimately boost your sales.

A. A Whole Package Of Tools For Etsy Sellers

  1. Product Research: Alura's powerful product research tools help you discover high-demand, low-competition products to sell on Etsy. By analyzing millions of listings, Alura identifies trending items and untapped niches, giving you a competitive edge in the market.
  2. Keyword Research: With Alura's keyword finder, you can uncover the best keywords to optimize your listings for maximum visibility. See what shoppers are searching for on Etsy and get detailed insights into search volume, competition, and potential sales for each keyword.
  3. Listing Optimization: Alura's listing helper analyzes your product listings and provides actionable recommendations to improve your search rankings. Based on Etsy's best practices, the tool offers suggestions for optimizing your titles, tags, descriptions, and photos to attract more buyers.
  4. Shop Analytics: Gain valuable insights into your shop's performance with Alura's shop analyzer. Monitor key metrics like revenue, orders, and conversion rates, and identify areas for improvement to grow your business.

B. Pros And Cons Of Using Alura

Product Pros

  • Comprehensive set of tools for product research, keyword optimization, listing improvement, and shop analytics
  • User-friendly interface and easy learning curve
  • Actionable insights and data-driven recommendations to improve your Etsy shop's performance
  • Time-saving features like the Alura Chrome Extension for seamless product research
  • AI-powered listing assistant

Product Cons

  • Higher pricing compared to some alternatives, with paid plans starting at $19.99/month
  • Occasional technical glitches, crashes, or slow loading times reported by some users
  • Sales and revenue data are estimates, not exact figures, with an average accuracy of around 80%
  • Limited customization options

Despite these minor drawbacks, Alura remains one of the most powerful and comprehensive tools available for Etsy sellers. Its extensive feature set, user-friendly design, and actionable insights make it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to start, grow, or optimize their Etsy shop.

C. User-Friendly Interface And Ease Of Use

One of Alura's standout features is its intuitive and user-friendly interface. The platform is designed with Etsy sellers in mind, making it easy to navigate and utilize its powerful tools, regardless of your technical expertise.

One of the standout features of Alura is its ability to provide actionable recommendations based on an analysis of your listings. By examining your products and keywords, Alura can suggest improvements to help your listings perform better.

This can save you time and effort in trying to figure out what works and what doesn't.

With Alura, you can focus on creating and selling your products, while the tool takes care of the heavy lifting behind the scenes.

What Is EverBee?

Etsy EverBee

EverBee is a powerful tool designed specifically for Etsy sellers who want to take their shop to the next level. With its specialized features and data-driven insights, EverBee helps you make informed decisions to optimize your listings and boost your sales.

Our Pick
Everbee logo
  • #1 Product Research & Marketing Platform
  • Find The Best Products To Sell On Etsy
  • Trusted by 600,000+ Etsy sellers globally

A. Specialized Tools For Etsy Sellers

  1. Product Analytics: EverBee's Product Analytics feature allows you to discover high-demand, low-competition products to sell on Etsy. By analyzing millions of listings, you can identify trending items and untapped niches, giving you a competitive edge in the market.
  2. Tag Analyzer: The Tag Analyzer helps you uncover high-demand, low-competition keywords by revealing the tags used in top-performing listings. This feature enables you to optimize your own listings with the most effective tags, increasing your visibility in Etsy search results.
  3. Keyword Research: EverBee's Keyword Research Suite allows you to discover the best keywords for your listings. By analyzing search volume, competition, and potential sales for each keyword, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your listings' SEO and attract more buyers.
  4. Shop Analyzer: Gain valuable insights into your competitors' shops with EverBee's Shop Analyzer. This feature provides key stats, best-selling products, pricing strategies, and shop policies, allowing you to learn from successful sellers and adapt your own strategies accordingly.

B. Pros And Cons Of Using EverBee


  • Provides estimated revenue and sales data for Etsy listings and shops to find winning products
  • Offers keyword research features to find high-demand, low-competition keywords and tags
  • Convenient Chrome extension that integrates directly on Etsy while browsing
  • Robust competitor analysis tools
  • Includes an email marketing tool to send automated campaigns to Etsy buyers
  • User-friendly interface that is easy to navigate for beginners
  • Affordable pricing, especially the Free plan available with essential features


  • Paid plans required to access advanced features and unlimited searches
  • Lacks comprehensive listing optimization capabilities
  • Accuracy of sales estimates is around 80% on average since Etsy doesn't share exact data, so it should be used as a guide only
  • No free trial available for paid plans, only the limited free plan
  • Built-in features are not as extensive as some other Etsy tools at a similar or lower price point

Despite these minor drawbacks, EverBee remains a powerful tool for Etsy sellers looking to grow their business. By leveraging its specialized features and data-driven insights, you can optimize your listings, discover new product opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition.

C. Focus On Data-Driven Insights

What sets EverBee apart from other Etsy tools is its emphasis on data-driven insights. By leveraging the power of data analytics, EverBee provides you with actionable information to make informed decisions about your Etsy shop.

From identifying trending products to optimizing your listings for maximum visibility, EverBee empowers you to grow your business based on real data, not guesswork.

One of the key strengths of EverBee is its focus on data-driven decision-making. By providing you with detailed analytics and metrics, EverBee helps you understand your performance, identify trends, and make adjustments accordingly.

Whether you're looking to optimize your pricing, improve your product descriptions, or find new niches to explore, EverBee has the tools to support you.

Feature Comparison: Alura vs EverBee

When it comes to choosing the right Etsy seller tool, it's all about finding the perfect fit for your business needs. Both Alura and EverBee offer a wealth of features to help you streamline your operations, but they each have their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

Now that we have a general understanding of what Alura and EverBee offer, let's take a closer look at some of their key features and how they stack up against each other.

1. Product Research And Keyword Analysis

One of the core features of both Alura and EverBee is their ability to help you uncover high-demand, low-competition products and keywords. Here's how they stack up:

Product ResearchPowerful Product Seeker to find trending itemsProduct Analytics for in-depth product analysis
Keyword ResearchComprehensive Keyword Finder with search volume and competition dataKeyword research with search volume and competition level
Tag AnalysisTag Analyzer to uncover high-demand tags

While both tools offer robust product and keyword research capabilities, EverBee's Tag Analyzer is a standout feature for those looking to optimize their Etsy listings with the most effective tags.

Tip: Use both tools in tandem to get a comprehensive view of the market. Alura can help you identify promising product ideas, while EverBee can validate their potential based on actual sales data.

2. Listing Optimization And Shop Analysis

Optimizing your listings and analyzing your shop's performance are crucial for success on Etsy. Here's how Alura and EverBee compare in these areas:

Listing OptimizationListing Helper with actionable recommendationsLimited listing optimization features
Shop AnalysisComprehensive Shop Analyzer with performance metricsShop Analyzer with basic shop stats

Alura's Listing Helper and Shop Analyzer are clear winners in this category, providing in-depth insights and actionable recommendations to help you optimize your listings and track your shop's performance.


According to a study by Etsy, optimizing your listings for search can increase your chances of being discovered by potential buyers by up to 50%.

3. Marketing And Automation

While both tools offer marketing and automation features, their approaches differ:

a) Alura's integrated Email Sender and upcoming social media automation features give it an edge for sellers looking to streamline their marketing efforts.

b) EverBee's Email Marketing Suite is also a powerful tool, enabling you to automate various email campaigns, such as welcome emails, order confirmations, and review requests.

EverBee Email Marketing

4. Integration And Resources

which seo tools do you recommend? from r/EtsySellers
 As you can see from this Reddit discussion, many Etsy sellers prefer to rely on Etsy's own guides and resources to understand search optimization, rather than relying solely on third-party tools.

a) Alura: When it comes to resources, Alura offers a dedicated blog with Etsy tips and strategies, as well as free tools like a fee calculator and shop name generator.

Alura Resources & Blogs

b) EverBee also provides a blog and free resources, but they are not as extensive as Alura's offerings.

EverBee Blogs & Resources

Both Alura and EverBee offer Chrome extensions that seamlessly integrate with Etsy, allowing you to access valuable insights while browsing the platform.

Pricing Comparison: Alura vs Everbee

When it comes to pricing, both Alura and EverBee offer different plans to cater to the needs of Etsy sellers. Here's a comparison of their pricing structures:

Alura Pricing
Alura Pricing Plans
EverBee Pricing
EverBee Pricing Plans

Overall, both tools provide flexible pricing options, with Alura offering slightly more expensive plans but with the option for significant savings on annual subscriptions.

FeatureAlura Pricing PlanEverBee Pricing Plan
Free PlanYes, with limited featuresYes, with limited features
Paid PlansGrowth: $9/month
Professional: $29/month
Growth: $29.99/month
Business: $99/month
Annual DiscountUp to 50% off on annual plansSave 33% on annual plans
Refund Policy7-day cancellation and refund policyNot specified
Best DiscountRedeem NowRedeem Now

Alura offers a 7-day cancellation and refund policy, while EverBee's refund policy is not clearly specified.

Tips By AMZ Ninja

Use the free plans to test out each tool's product and keyword research features before committing to a paid subscription.

Which One Should You Choose?

Ultimately, the choice between Alura and EverBee will depend on your specific needs and priorities as an Etsy seller.
If your primary focus is on product research, keyword analysis, and tag optimization, choose EverBee!

When it comes to choosing between Alura and EverBee, the decision ultimately boils down to your specific needs and priorities as an Etsy seller. Both tools offer valuable features, but they cater to different aspects of running an Etsy business.

CaseRecommended Tool
You're a beginner Etsy seller looking for an all-in-one solutionAlura
You want to focus primarily on product research and competitor analysisEverBee
You have a limited budget and need a free plan with essential featuresEverBee
You're an established seller looking for advanced features and scalabilityAlura
You prioritize listing optimization and search engine visibilityAlura
You need extensive data on competitors' sales and revenueEverBee

If you're a beginner or looking for a comprehensive solution, Alura might be the way to go. Its user-friendly interface, extensive learning resources, and all-in-one approach make it a great choice for those just starting out or seeking a one-stop-shop for managing their Etsy shop.

What Are Customers Saying About Alura?

“Alura has been a game-changer for my Etsy shop. The listing helper feature helped me optimize my titles, tags, and descriptions, resulting in a 40% increase in views and a 25% boost in sales. I couldn't be happier with the results!
Sarah, Etsy seller

On the other hand, if your primary focus is on product research and competitor analysis, EverBee might be the better fit. Its specialized tools, like the Product Analytics and Tag Analyzer, provide in-depth insights into top-selling items, keywords, and your competitors' strategies.

EverBee Testimonial

The choice between Alura and EverBee depends on your specific needs and preferences as an Etsy seller. Both platforms offer a wealth of features and tools to help you succeed, but they have their own strengths and focus areas.

Who Won The Battle: Alura Vs EverBee?

In the battle between Alura and EverBee, there is no clear winner. Both platforms offer valuable features and benefits for Etsy sellers looking to grow their businesses. It's important to evaluate your own needs, budget, and preferences when deciding which one to choose.

Whether you opt for Alura's simplicity and personalized recommendations or EverBee's data-driven insights and flexibility, you'll be well-equipped to take your Etsy shop to new heights. The key is to explore the features, take advantage of the tools available, and continuously optimize your listings and strategies based on the insights you gain.

When it comes to user experience, both Alura and EverBee have been praised for their intuitive interfaces and ease of use. However, EverBees's free trial feature and other aspects are often considered more beginner-friendly, with easy access and other customized features to help you get started quickly.

Caution: While both tools provide valuable keyword data, it's important to remember that the accuracy of their estimates may vary. Always use the information as a guide rather than an exact measure.

So, which one will you choose? Alura or EverBee? The decision is yours, but one thing is for sure – with the right tools and mindset, you can achieve great success as an Etsy seller.

Happy selling!

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