Selling on Amazon can feel like navigating a maze blindfolded. With over 12 million products sold daily across 11 marketplaces worldwide, it's easy to get lost in the noise. As your business grows in size and complexity across multiple product lines, dashboards, and reports, making data-driven decisions becomes nearly impossible.

But what if you had a guide to cut through the clutter and highlight the metrics that really matter? What if understanding your business performance was as simple as looking at a customized dashboard that updates automatically with the latest numbers?

That's the promise of Junglytics. Their software consolidates and analyzes data from multiple sources into interactive visualizations that tell the story of your Amazon business. Whether you're looking to diagnose issues, capitalize on new opportunities, or benchmark your progress against goals, Junglytics aims to provide the insights you need quickly and easily.

In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at Junglytics' features to see if it lives up to its promise as the “ultimate data analytics tool for Amazon sellers.” We'll cover everything from dashboard customization and filtering to tracking advertising and inventory performance over time. By the end, you'll know whether Junglytics has what it takes to guide your business out of the data maze and accelerate profitable growth.

Starting Off With The Junglytics Review

Managing an Amazon business can quickly become overwhelming, with countless reports and dashboards spread across advertising, inventory, sales, and more. Junglytics aims to cut through the noise by consolidating and visualizing the metrics you care about most.

Customize interactive dashboards to track top KPIs like advertising return on ad spend (ROAS), total ad cost of sale (TACoS), and conversion rates. Monitor how changes in spend, targeting, and creativity impact performance over time. Junglytics also enables granular analysis of inventory levels, sales velocities, and profit margins by product, so you can optimize pricing and sourcing.

Beyond reporting, Junglytics provides insights to help inform your Amazon strategy. See search volume and conversion rates by keyword to uncover new product opportunities. Identify best-selling regions and product variations to guide expansion decisions. With key data points updated automatically, Junglytics gives sellers an at-a-glance view of business performance to drive growth.

Let's now kickstart with the features offered by Junglytics!

Key Features of Junglytics

Junglytics offers robust features and capabilities tailored to optimize the performance of Amazon sellers through data analytics and informed decision-making. To get a better idea of what it does, here are its key features:

  • Customizable Dashboards
  • Comprehensive business insights
  • Financial data visibility
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Actionable Analytics
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Inventory Management
  • Advertiser Performance Tracking
  • Customer Behavior Analytics
  • Profitability Analytics
  • Market Trend Monitoring
  • User Experience
  • User Interface
  • Accessibility

Now that we just had an overview of these key features offered by Junglytics, let's get started with these key features and how they could help you.

1. Customizable Dashboards 

Junglytics offers Amazon sellers the flexibility to customize their dashboards, providing a tailored display of data that aligns with their individual needs and preferences. This unique feature empowers sellers to concentrate on the most crucial metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that directly impact their specific business objectives. By allowing users to personalize their dashboards, Junglytics ensures that sellers can prioritize and emphasize the information that holds the utmost significance for their operations.

This feature not only eases the data analysis process but also improves overall efficiency in decision-making. Sellers can focus on the specific aspects of their business that matter most to them, enabling a more targeted and strategic approach to managing their Amazon ventures.

The personalized dashboards become a valuable tool for optimizing performance, providing sellers with a comprehensive and easily accessible overview of the metrics essential for success on the platform.

2. Comprehensive Business Insights

Junglytics is like a super tool for people selling stuff on Amazon. It helps them understand how well their products are doing and what makes customers buy. With easy-to-use dashboards, it gives them a clear picture of their Amazon business. They can see important things like sales, advertisements, and what customers are up to.

Imagine you have a shop on Amazon, and you want to know how many people are buying your things and why. Junglytics is like your helper. It makes all the complicated data simple to understand. You can check what's working well, spot trends, and figure out where you can do better. It's like having a friend who tells you the secrets to selling more and making smarter decisions.

So, if you're an Amazon seller, Junglytics is like your sidekick. It's there to help you figure out the Amazon game and boost your sales!

3. Financial Data Visibility

Financial Data Visibility-Junglytics

Junglytics provides Amazon sellers with a straightforward and transparent overview of their financial data. Sellers can easily keep tabs on various financial metrics, empowering them to make well-informed decisions about budgeting, managing expenses, and maximizing overall profitability.

This clear visibility into financial data is essential for maintaining the financial well-being of their Amazon business. It allows sellers to identify trends, understand where their money is going, and assess the overall health of their finances. With this insight, sellers can optimize how they allocate resources, ensuring that they invest in areas that bring the most value to their business.

In essence, Junglytics simplifies the process of understanding and managing financial aspects, enabling sellers to navigate their Amazon ventures more effectively.

4. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Junglytics plays a crucial role in assisting Amazon sellers by emphasizing key performance indicators (KPIs) vital to their success. Through the platform, sellers gain access to a snapshot of essential metrics that include Sales, TACoS (Total Advertising Cost of Sales), conversion rate, and sessions.

These KPIs offer a quick and clear overview of the seller's business performance. This instant insight enables sellers to assess their performance in real-time, helping them make informed and strategic adjustments promptly.

 By focusing on these critical metrics, Junglytics provides Amazon sellers with a user-friendly tool to monitor their performance and make well-informed decisions to enhance their overall success on the platform.

5. Actionable Analytics

Junglytics stands out for its commitment to equipping sellers with robust analytics and reporting capabilities that go beyond just numbers. The platform is designed to transform raw data into actionable insights, allowing sellers to make informed decisions. By leveraging the power of analytics, sellers gain a deep understanding of their business performance, including key metrics like sales, advertising costs, and customer behavior.

Armed with these insights, sellers can proactively implement strategic changes and adjustments to optimize their operations on Amazon. Whether it's refining advertising strategies, adjusting inventory levels, or enhancing product listings, Junglytics empowers sellers to take a data-driven approach to business management.

This ensures a responsive and proactive stance, where sellers can adapt swiftly to market trends and customer preferences, ultimately enhancing their success on the platform.

6. Competitor Analysis

Junglytics offers a robust set of tools for conducting comprehensive competitor analysis on the Amazon platform. Through these tools, users gain valuable insights into various aspects of their business, allowing them to gauge their standing relative to competitors. One key facet of this analysis involves monitoring pricing strategies, enabling users to understand how their product prices compare to those of competitors. This insight is crucial for making strategic pricing decisions to remain competitive in the market.

The platform provides a process for analyzing customer reviews. By monitoring and analyzing customer feedback on both their own products and those of competitors, users can gain a deeper understanding of customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and pain points. This information is instrumental in refining product offerings, addressing customer concerns, and enhancing the overall customer experience.

7. Inventory Management

A great way to make Amazon sellers’ lives easier is by taking care of their inventory, providing sellers with invaluable insights to streamline operations and enhance profitability.

The platform excels in offering comprehensive visibility into stock levels, allowing sellers to monitor and maintain favorable inventory levels. By using real-time data and analytics, Junglytics enables users to make informed decisions regarding stock replenishment, preventing stockouts or excess inventory that can negatively impact sales and overall business performance.

8. Advertising Performance Tracking

With Junglytics, you can track everything related to your advertising. With a focus on sponsored products, Junglytics enables sellers to track and analyze the performance of their advertisements. This includes insights into key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall sales impact. By leveraging these analytics, users can make informed decisions to refine and enhance their advertising strategies.

This level of detailed analysis empowers sellers to allocate budgets wisely, identify high-performing campaigns, and optimize their advertising efforts to achieve maximum returns.

9. Customer Behavior Analytics

Through Junglytics, sellers can identify trends, preferences, and the factors influencing customer choices, creating the ability to tailor products and services to align with consumer needs.

Using this knowledge, sellers can strategically position their offerings, optimize marketing strategies, and create personalized experiences that resonate with their target audience. Ultimately, Junglytics becomes a life changer for sellers seeking not just transactions but lasting connections with customers, driving loyalty and satisfaction through a proper understanding of customer behavior.

10. Profitability Analytics

Junglytics goes beyond basic financial visibility by providing advanced profitability analytics. Understand your costs, profit margins, and overall financial health to make informed decisions that positively impact your bottom line.

By leveraging the advanced features of Junglytics, sellers can pinpoint areas of strength and areas that may require optimization. The platform allows users to identify trends, assess the effectiveness of various strategies, and strategically plan for future growth. Junglytics becomes a valuable companion for sellers to understand how they can be profitable, offering insights that contribute to smarter financial management and improved overall business performance.

11. Market Trend Monitoring

Junglytics' market monitoring tools provide real-time data on consumer behavior and product demand, empowering sellers to make informed decisions. Whether tracking shifts in search volume, analyzing competitor activities, or staying updated on emerging trends, Junglytics ensures sellers are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of this business. This proactive approach to market analysis positions sellers to seize opportunities as they arise and tailor their offerings to align with evolving consumer preferences.

12. User Experience

Junglytics provides a user-friendly interface designed for seamless data analysis, catering to Amazon sellers' diverse needs. The customizable dashboards empower users to measure their business performance effectively and make informed decisions.

13. User Interface

The platform has an intuitive and visually appealing interface that ensures easy navigation and a positive user experience. With customizable dashboards, sellers can tailor the interface to display the most relevant metrics, enhancing efficiency in data interpretation.

14. Accessibility

Junglytics prioritizes accessibility in analytics and business intelligence. Accessibility features are crucial for enabling a positive user experience, ensuring users can interact with data effortlessly. Some of their accessibility features are:

  • Customizable dashboards: We have discussed this point in key features. Please have a look.
  • Intuitive Navigation: The platform emphasizes an intuitive user interface, enabling straightforward navigation. Intuitive design elements, such as clear menu structures and logical flow, contribute to an accessible experience for users of varying levels of expertise.
  • Screen Reader Compatibility: To cater to users with visual impairments, Junglytics likely incorporates compatibility with screen readers. Screen reader support ensures that users relying on auditory cues can access and interpret the information displayed on the platform.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Accessibility is further enhanced through the inclusion of keyboard shortcuts. Users who may have difficulty with mouse navigation can utilize keyboard shortcuts to interact with Junglytics efficiently, promoting a more inclusive experience.

Pros and Cons of Junglytics

We have discussed Junglytics’ key features and other insights, but to get a better idea of if it is an ideal platform for you, we have listed some of its pros and cons. By reading through them, you can be sure if it is made for them or not.


  • Tailored for Amazon Sellers: Junglytics is specifically designed for Amazon sellers, offering features like competitor analysis, product tracking, and customizable dashboards, providing a specialized platform for e-commerce businesses.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform prioritizes accessibility in analytics, aiming to make data analytics inclusive and usable for a wide range of users. Its user-friendly interface enhances the overall experience, ensuring that users can interact with data effortlessly.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: Junglytics offers data-driven insights that empower sellers to make informed decisions, contributing to better outcomes for their businesses.
  • Actionable Insights: Junglytics emphasizes actionable insights, helping sellers not only understand their data but also take effective actions based on the analysis.


  • Niche Focus: Junglytics may not offer the same different levels for sellers on different platforms or with diverse business models.
  • Limited Industry Scope: Junglytics may have limitations in serving businesses outside the e-commerce industry.
  • Dependency on Amazon Data: The platform's effectiveness relies on the availability and accuracy of Amazon data.

Overall Experience

Users benefit from a comprehensive analytics solution that goes beyond mere data representation. Junglytics provides actionable insights, allowing sellers to translate data into strategies for business growth. The platform's commitment to a positive overall experience is evident in its user-centric design, accessibility features, and the ability to deliver valuable insights for Amazon sellers.

The platform's emphasis on accessibility ensures that users at various skill levels can harness the power of data analytics for better decision-making.

Junglytics Alternatives If Not Sure About It

After considering a handful of similar tools like Junglytics, here are some of the best Junglytics alternatives that can help you in your e-commerce selling operations and selling:


Matomo stands out for its open-source nature, enabling users to import historic Google Analytics data and serving as a full-service web analytics tool. While Matomo offers open-source capabilities, Junglytics focuses on Amazon analytics, providing customizable dashboards for sellers and ensuring better decision-making.


Smartlook offers detailed analytics and user behavior insights, positioning itself as a comprehensive alternative to Google Analytics. Junglytics, tailored for Amazon sellers, provides customizable dashboards, emphasizing a user-friendly interface for data analysis and enhancing the overall experience.


Clicky Provides real-time insights, heatmaps, and detailed reports, presenting itself as a viable alternative to Google Analytics. Junglytics focuses on Amazon analytics, offering features specific to sellers, such as competitor analysis and product tracking, providing a unique value proposition.


Leadfeeder specializes in website visitor tracking and lead generation, presenting itself as a stripped-down alternative to Google Analytics. Junglytics, designed for Amazon sellers, provides analytics tailored to the e-commerce platform, offering insights crucial for optimizing sales strategies.

While each platform has its strengths, Junglytics stands out as the preferred choice for Amazon sellers due to its specialized features and user-focused design.

Junglytics Pricing Plans

Pricing plans-Junglytics

Junglytics offers flexible pricing plans that scale with the needs of Amazon sellers:

  • $49/month: Starter plan
  • $129/month: Growth plan
  • $199/month: Premium plan

Additionally, Junglytics provides annual subscription options:

  • $490/year: Starter annual
  • $1,290/year: Growth annual
  • $1,990/year: Premium annual

These are the details of each plan:

Starter Plan ($49/month)

The Junglytics Starter Plan is tailored for businesses operating on Amazon and is particularly suitable for those with a daily order volume of up to approximately 150 orders. This plan is designed to accommodate the needs of smaller to mid-sized enterprises, providing essential analytics tools to enhance their Amazon selling experience.

Growth Plan ($129/month)

The Junglytics Growth Plan is strategically crafted for businesses experiencing growing order volumes and demanding more extensive analytics capabilities. This plan offers an enhanced set of features to cater to the increased complexity and scale of business operations.

Premium Plan ($199/month)

The Junglytics Premium Plan is meticulously designed for advanced users and larger-scale operations on the Amazon platform. Tailored to meet the needs of high-volume Amazon sellers, this plan provides a comprehensive suite of analytics tools and features to empower users in optimizing and managing their operations efficiently.

Advanced users often require specialized support, and the Premium Plan may include enhanced customer support services to address the specific needs of high-volume sellers.

There is also a customizable plan available “from $500,” allowing sellers to tailor the solution to their specific requirements.

Junglytics provides a 30-day free trial for users to explore its features before committing to a subscription. The platform aims to offer affordable pricing to cater to businesses of various sizes.

Junglytics Testimonials


Junglytics has garnered positive user testimonials and reviews that highlight its effectiveness and impact on Amazon sellers' businesses.

Users appreciate Junglytics for its comprehensive features, aiding in data analytics for Amazon sellers. The software's ability to provide insights into Amazon product performance, customer behavior, and sales data is particularly praised. Additionally, the user-friendly interface and customizable dashboards contribute to a positive user experience.

FAQs Related to Junglytics

How can I access the Junglytics Free Trial?

To access the Junglytics Free Trial, follow these simple steps:
1. Visit the official Junglytics website.
2. Navigate to the trial sign-up page.
3. Follow the registration process, providing the necessary details.
4. Enjoy a 30-day free trial to explore Junglytics' features and capabilities.

Are there any discounts or coupons available for Junglytics?

Junglytics occasionally offers discounts or coupons. You can check for the latest deals on affiliate websites, such as Affiliate Weapons, to potentially save on your subscription.

What does Junglytics help me achieve as an Amazon seller?

Junglytics is designed to enhance your Amazon selling experience. It provides customizable dashboards that help measure and analyze various aspects of your business, allowing you to make informed decisions.

What are the integrations offered by Junglytics?

Junglytics integrates data from multiple sources into its dashboards automatically, including Amazon Seller Central, advertising, Quickbooks, etc.

What core capabilities are offered by Junglytics?

Core capabilities include visualizing Amazon's PPC performance over time, analyzing profitability by product/variation, uncovering new product opportunities, and benchmarking across regions or brands.

How much does Junglytics cost to use?

Junglytics is priced on a sliding scale based on monthly orders, starting at $67/month for up to 2,000 orders, it also offers a free 14-day trial.

Wrapping Up on Junglytics Review

Junglytics stands out as a powerful tool for Amazon sellers, providing a comprehensive suite of analytics that significantly influences business strategies. One of its prominent features is the provision of data-driven insights, empowering Amazon sellers with robust analytics to facilitate well-informed decision-making.

Junglytics delves into various aspects, including product performance, customer behavior, and sales data, allowing users to gain a profound understanding of their business landscape.

The platform is celebrated for its user-friendly interface, earning praise for its intuitiveness and ease of use. Users commend Junglytics for offering customizable dashboards, enhancing the overall user experience, and enabling sellers to tailor the platform to their specific needs. This emphasis on user-friendliness contributes to a seamless navigation process, even for those new to analytics tools.

Junglytics has positioned itself as a leader across some of the best Amazon seller analytics tools. Acknowledged for its ability to guide sellers through the intricate intricacies of the Amazon platform, Junglytics ensures that users remain competitive in the marketplace while optimizing their operational efficiency. The platform's leadership in this domain reflects its commitment to empowering Amazon sellers with the tools necessary for success.

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