Helium 10 Vs Quartile

As an Amazon seller, you can't help but cross paths with two of the most influential tools available on the market today: Helium 10 and Quartile. But which one is tailored for you?

In this Helium 10 Vs Quartile face-off, we are going to explore inside the guts of some of the very best Amazon seller solutions out there. On the other side, Helium 10 is an ultimately feature-complete suite of tools for product research, keyword optimization, and listing management, while Quartile focuses on AI-driven ad automation.

From a professional Amazon seller to an absolute beginner, the strengths and weaknesses of each platform can make quite a difference in how far you go on your Amazon selling journey.

So let's cut through the noise and see how these tools stack up against one another!


Did you know that 82% of Amazon sellers use third-party tools to manage their businesses?

This eye-opening statistic underscores the critical role that platforms like Helium 10 & Quartile play.

Helium 10 Vs Quartile (Domain-Based Analysis)

FeatureHelium 10Quartile
Product ResearchBlack Box, XrayProduct Database
Keyword ResearchMagnet, CerebroKeyword Management
Listing OptimizationListing Builder, FrankensteinCustomizable Templates
Advertising ManagementAdtomicAdvertising Suite
Cross-Channel FunctionalityAmazon-focusedAmazon, Walmart, Facebook

Helium 10 Vs Quartile (Quick Comparison)

Let's explore how Helium 10 and Quartile stack up against each other!

Helium 10

Helium 10 is a comprehensive suite of software tools designed for Amazon sellers. It offers a wide range of features to help with product research, keyword optimization, listing management, and PPC campaign assistance.

Helium 10 aims to provide sellers with data-driven insights to improve their Amazon business performance across various aspects of selling on the platform.

🖥️ Clean, intuitive desktop interface
🌐 Chrome Extension Available
📱 Mobile app for convenience

Helium 10's interface is designed with user-friendliness in mind.

The Chrome extension, in particular, allows sellers to access key features directly on Amazon's website, streamlining the research and optimization process.


Quartile is an e-commerce cross-channel advertising platform that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to optimize advertising campaigns focusing on providing comprehensive data visualizations and analytics.


Quartile's primary goal is to improve return on advertising spend (ROAS) and overall sales performance for e-commerce businesses through automated, data-driven advertising strategies.

🌐 Web-based application
📊 Data-rich dashboards
❌ No mobile app or browser extension

While it lacks the convenience of a mobile app or browser extension, its dashboards offer deep insights into campaign performance across multiple channels.

It focuses on managing and optimizing ads across multiple platforms including Amazon, Walmart, and Facebook.

Helium 10 provides a wealth of educational resources, making it easier for new sellers to get up to speed quickly. The active user community is particularly valuable for troubleshooting and sharing best practices.

Helium 10's Resources:

  1. Extensive video tutorial library.
  2. Regular webinars and training sessions.
  3. Active user community for peer support.
  4. Step-by-step guides for each tool.

Quartile's approach is more hands-on, with personalized support to ensure that sellers can fully leverage the platform's capabilities. This can be especially beneficial for larger businesses with complex advertising needs.

Quartile's Personalized Approach:

  1. One-on-one demo sessions.
  2. Customized onboarding process.
  3. Dedicated account managers for higher-tier users.
  4. Regular check-ins and strategy sessions.

A) Product Research And Analytics Comparison

Alright, aspiring Bezos, let's talk about finding that golden goose product. Both Helium 10 and Quartile offer tools to help you sniff out winning products faster than you can say “next-day delivery.”

1. Helium 10's Black Box & Xray

Helium 10's Black Box is like having a library for product research. It lets you filter through millions of Amazon products based on criteria like estimated sales, review count, and price.

Helium 10 Black Box

Black Box is Helium 10's product research powerhouse. It allows you to:

  • Filter through millions of Amazon products.
  • Set specific criteria like estimated sales, review count, and price.
  • Identify potential winning products in less competitive niches.

Want to find products selling like hotcakes with less than 100 reviews? Black Box has got your back.

Helium 10 Xray, on the other hand, is Helium 10's Chrome extension that gives you X-ray vision into any Amazon search results page or product listing.

Helium 10 XRay

Xray, Helium 10's Chrome extension, provides instant insights on Amazon search results pages, including:

  • Estimated sales and revenue
  • Review velocity
  • Sales trends over time

It's like peeking behind the curtain to see estimated sales, revenue, and other juicy data. Sneaky? Maybe. Effective? Absolutely.

Want to know more? How about a brief read on how to use Helium 10 Black Box and Xray?

Helium 10 logo

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Use our exclusive coupon code “BLOGE6M20” to get 20% Off for the first 6 months. Limited period offer. 10% off for a lifetime on annual plans.

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2. Quartile's Product Database And Sales Estimations

Quartile takes a different approach. Their product database is all about giving you the big picture. It focuses on market trends and historical data to help you make the right decisions. Think of it as the wise old sage of product research.


Quartile takes a more data-driven approach to product research:

  • AI-powered database focuses on market trends and historical data.
  • Machine learning algorithms predict future product performance.
  • Emphasis on long-term market analysis rather than individual product metrics.

Quartile's sales estimations are powered by AI and machine learning, which sounds fancy (and it is). It analyzes patterns in historical sales data to predict future performance. It's like having a time machine, minus the paradoxes and accidentally becoming your own grandfather.

B) Keyword Research And Optimization

1. Helium 10's Magnet & Cerebro

These tools are the Swiss Army knives of keyword research:

ToolKey Features
Magnet– Generates thousands of keyword ideas
– Provides search volume and trend data
– Offers filters for precise targeting
Cerebro– Reverse-engineers competitor keywords
– Analyzes keyword difficulty
– Identifies high-potential long-tail keywords

Helium 10 Magnet tool is like a keyword gold mine. Feed it a seed keyword, and it'll spit out hundreds of related keywords faster than you can type a word.

Helium 10 Magnet

It gives you data on search volume, trending keywords, and even a “Magnet IQ Score” to help you prioritize.

Helium 10 Cerebro, on the other hand, is Helium 10's reverse ASIN lookup tool. It's like being able to read your competitors' minds. Just plug in an ASIN, and Cerebro will show you all the keywords that the product is ranking for. It's not quite legal insider trading, but it's the next best thing.

Helium 10 Cerebro

To read more on the Helium 10 Keyword Research Search History feature, Click here.

2. Quartile's Keyword Management & Bid Optimization

Quartile Single Keyword Campaign

Quartile takes a more performance-driven approach to keyword optimization:

  • Automated keyword discovery.
  • Real-time bid adjustments.
  • Performance-based keyword suggestions.

C) Listing Optimization

tick your boxes!

🚀 Optimization Checklist:

  • Conduct thorough keyword research
  • Create compelling product titles
  • Write benefit-driven bullet points
  • Craft engaging product descriptions
  • Use high-quality images with descriptive alt text
  • Regularly update based on performance data

1. Helium 10's Listing Builder & Frankenstein

Helium 10's listing optimization tools are designed to help sellers create Amazon listings that are both keyword-rich and compelling to potential customers.

Helium 10's Listing Builder is like having a professional copywriter in your pocket. It helps you craft optimized titles, bullet points, and descriptions that are keyword-rich and customer-friendly.

Listing Builder:

  1. Creates optimized listings from scratch
  2. Incorporates high-performing keywords
  3. Provides character count and keyword density analysis

Read more about Helium 10 Listing Builder!

Helium 10 Frankenstein (great name, by the way) is Helium 10's keyword processor. It takes your keyword lists and turns them into something usable, removing duplicates and formatting them for Amazon's backend.

Helium 10 Frankenstein


  1. Processes raw keyword lists
  2. Removes duplicates and irrelevant terms
  3. Generates unique product descriptions

It's like having a keyword food processor – toss in a bunch of ingredients, and out comes a perfectly blended keyword smoothie.

2. Quartile's Campaign Segmentation & Customizable Templates

Quartile approaches listing optimization from an advertising angle. Their campaign segmentation tool helps you create targeted ad groups based on your listing's keywords and performance data.

Quartile's approach to listing optimization focuses on data-driven improvements and automation:

→ Customizable listing templates
→ A/B testing capabilities
→ Automated listing updates based on performance data

It's like having a personal strategist for your Amazon ads.

D) Advertising Management & Channels

This is where the two platforms diverge significantly:

Adtomic is Helium 10's PPC management tool, designed specifically for Amazon advertising. Its strength lies in its integration with Helium 10's other tools. For instance, it can automatically incorporate high-performing keywords from Cerebro into your PPC campaigns, ensuring a cohesive strategy across organic and paid searches.

1. Helium 10's Adtomic

Adtomic is Helium 10's answer to PPC management. It offers automated bidding strategies and performance tracking, but it's primarily focused on Amazon advertising. According to user feedback, Adtomic is generally accurate in providing bid suggestions for manual campaigns.

Helium 10 Adtomic
  • PPC campaign management.
  • Automated bidding strategies.
  • Performance tracking and reporting.

A new seller launching their first product could use Adtomic to quickly set up a comprehensive PPC strategy, leveraging data from their initial keyword research to create targeted auto and manual campaigns. However, Adtomic is limited to Amazon advertising.

2. Quartile's Advertising Suite

Quartile offers a more expansive advertising management system, covering multiple platforms including Amazon, Walmart, and Facebook. Its AI-driven approach allows for sophisticated campaign optimization across all channels.

Cross-Channel Functionality

AI-powered hourly bid adjustments and keyword optimization for Sponsored Products, Brands, and Display ads, with product-level campaign management.

Automated ad campaign creation with cross-channel integration, likely using AI-driven optimization and retargeting capabilities.

Automated campaign creation and dynamic bid management for Sponsored Products, leveraging Walmart data for increased paid share of voice.

Quartile also offers customizable templates for your listings and ads. Here's what sets Quartile apart:

✅ Cross-channel management (Amazon, Walmart, Facebook)
✅ AI-driven bidding strategies
✅ Advanced campaign segmentation
✅ Dynamic budget allocation

These templates are based on best practices and can be tweaked to fit your brand's voice. It's like having a head start on your homework – the basic structure is there, you just need to fill in the details.

Quartile's Unique Feature:

Its AI can automatically adjust bids across multiple platforms based on overall performance, potentially maximizing ROI across all channels.

Users have reported an average 30% reduction in ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale) when using Quartile.

Bonus Tip: If you're selling exclusively on Amazon, Helium 10's integrated approach might be more beneficial. For multi-channel sellers, Quartile's cross-platform capabilities could be a game-changer.

Helium 10 Pricing Plans

Helium 10 offers a range of plans to suit different business sizes and needs.

A. Helium 10's Tiered Pricing Structure

It offers a range of plans to suit various budgets:

PlanMonthly PriceAnnual PriceKey Features
Free$0/month$0/monthLimited access to basic tools
Starter$39/month$29/month20 uses of Black Box, unlimited Chrome extension
Platinum$99/month$79/monthUnlimited access to most tools
Diamond$279/month$229/monthAdditional user seats, increased limits

B. Helium 10: Free Trial & Annual Discounts

7-day free trial available for testing tools like Frankenstein, Scribbles, and Profits

How to Claim Helium 10 Free Trial?

  1. Visit Helium 10's official website.
  2. Click “Sign Up For Free”.
  3. Fill in your details and create an account.
  4. Answer a few questions about your Amazon business.
  5. Access the Helium 10 dashboard.

🎁 Helium 10 Annual Discounts: Helium 10 also offers a 25% discount on annual subscriptions, making it an attractive option for long-term users.

🛠️ Option to purchase individual tools is also available on Helium 10.

C. Helium 10 Coupon Codes

Helium 10 Coupon

These coupon codes offer significant savings for new Helium 10 users:

  • The BLOGE10 code provides a permanent 10% discount, which is great for long-term users.
  • BLOGE6M20 offers a 20% discount for half a year, balancing immediate savings with a longer discount period.

Here are the available coupon codes for Helium 10:

10% Off for a Lifetime


20% off for 6 months


Quartile Pricing Plans

Quartile's pricing model is based on a percentage of advertising spend, with a minimum monthly fee.

While the exact pricing details of Quartile aren't publicly available, we were able to fetch the tailored pricing based on each client's specific needs and budget.

A. Quartile's Percentage-Based Pricing

Here's the Quartile Pricing Plan table for easy reference:

Quartile Plan (Ad Spend)Monthly Price
Up to $10,000$895
$10,001 – $25,000$1,495
$25,001 – $50,000$2,495
$50,001 – $100,000$3,995
$100,001 – $250,000$5,995
$250,001 – $500,000$7,995
$500,001 – $1,000,000$9,995

Find our Quartile Detailed Pricing Guide.

B. Quartile Free Demo

Get Started with Quartile Free Demo.

C. Quartile: Free Trial & Discounts

New users can now save big! 🎉

Quartile offers two exclusive discount options:

35% off FOR 3 MONTHS

50% off FOR 2 MONTHS

Talk about a warm welcome! But, what about a Free Trial?

While Quartile doesn't offer a traditional free trial, it offers a free demo. Plus, these discounts essentially let you test-drive their AI-powered optimization at a fraction of the cost. 

Choose Your Amazon Partner!

As we wrap up our comparison between Helium 10 and Quartile, it's clear that both tools offer unique strengths for Amazon sellers.

Helium 10 shines as a complete suite for product research, keyword optimization, and listing management, making it a go-to choice for sellers at all levels. With over 2 million global sellers trusting Helium 10, it's no wonder that users report up to 20% increase in sales after implementing its strategies.

On the other hand, Quartile stands out with its AI-powered PPC optimization, especially for larger businesses managing substantial ad budgets across multiple platforms. Its ability to drive a 38% increase in revenue and a 41% increase in conversions within the first 90 days on Walmart Advertising is impressive.

Consider starting with Helium 10's free plan to get a feel for their ecosystem, and reach out to Quartile for a demo if you're managing significant ad spend across multiple channels.

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